Personal Evangelism Header Kingdom Learning Network


Introduction  :::  7 Keys to Success  :::  Conclusion 

Importance of Effective Intercessory Prayer in Successful Evangelism
The Importance of Effective Intercessory
Prayer in Successful Evangelism
It is vitally important to make a habit of praying before, during and after evangelizing someone. 
Pray that the sharing of word of God be not hindered by those in authority - 2nd Thessalonians 3:1
Pray that those sharing the word will do so with holy boldness - Ephesians 6:18-19; Acts 4:3
In the Bible, Jesus always likened sharing the Gospel to the sowing of seed. Matthew 13:1-23
Using this analogy we can see how crucial it is to incorporate effective prayer with personal evangelism.

Sowing Seed in Good Soil

When you pray before going out to evangelize you are effectively preparing the soil of the person's heart to receive the seed 
of the word you are about to plant in them.
Praying with the person at the same time you are witnessing to them helps in facilitating the planting of the seed into their heart 
as it is happening.
This is one of the reasons it is so important to go out evangelizing two by two, so that while one is actively sharing the gospel the 
other is being led by the Holy Spirit to pray that the precise will of God be done in the person's life. Mark 6:7; Luke 10:1
It is in this scenario that God can reveal what specific blocks this person may have to receiving the gospel of Jesus Christ and 
have you pray specifically to remove these hindrances so the seed can take root more easily.
When you make a habit of praying for the person after you have sown the seed and left their presence this is the spiritual 
equivalent of adding fertilizer to ensure luxurious growth and the bearing of much fruit. Ephesians 1:15-18
Pray under the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 6:18; Jude 1:20
Pray according to the authority and veracity of the Word of God. Ephesians 3:14-19; Philippians 1:3-11

Suggested Reading:

Understanding How to Pray Effectively
by Everest John Alexander
Understanding How to Pray Effectively 

Suggested In-Class Exercise: Have your students divide into pairs and pray with each other one at a time. Make sure 
they don't tell each other what to pray for to encourage them to depend on the Holy Spirit in prayer.

Suggested At-Home Exercise: Have each of your students pray for each of their classmates individually by name as 
well as for you, again trusting the leading of the Holy Spirit in prayer.
Introduction  :::  7 Keys to Success  :::  Conclusion